An australian poultry forum - backyard poultry, home of exhibition and backyard poultry in australia and new zealand. chickens, waterfowl,other poultry. more than. The popular trend of raising backyard chickens is bringing with it a soaring number of illnesses from poultry-related diseases, some of them fatal, u.s. health. How to raise backyard chickens. learn about raising chickens and baby chicks with our faq on diseases, care and housing..

Adding a peacock to our backyard chicken coop - youtube

Custom made chicken coops and yards | cluck cluck coops

The secret laying lives of chickens
Chickens, poultry, chicken, chickens, chicken coop, coop design, chickencoops, backyard chickens, raising chickens,chicken coop, rooster, hen, chicks, chooks, pullet. 1000's of chickens for sale, from day old baby chickens to rare breeds, roosters, point of lay hens. it's all available and for sale from poultry breeders.. Anyone who has hatched chickens will be eager to know if they're a hen or a rooster - learn ways to determine the sex of your chicken here..